Stonegate eggs and a Ford Escort are the perfect weekend combination because..

3 x Ford Escort Finesse

- In reliable components like weekender and Ford, lay the foundation of quality assured.
- Shaped for success, a tasteful combination, instantly fulfilling every weekend expectation.
- Stonegate’s succulent taste sensation, with Ford’s outstanding driving inspiration, promise a heavenly combination.

100 X Stopwatch

A Ford Escort ‘brings home the bacon’, to complement those lovely fresh Stonegate eggs.
A Ford Escort Finesse is a cracker hatched, a Stonegate Weekender egg is a cracker unhatched.
A perfect combination for the two E’s - Eggs and Escort, now for a wonderful partnership.
A taste of Old England, an Englishman’s dream, a traditional Sunday breakfast and then polish the car of his dreams.
A-FORDord-able wheels, wonderful yolks, it’s quality time, let’s crack on with it folks.
AFORDable eggs, tasty and nutritious, making weekend breakfast quite delicious.
After enjoying a phenomenal breakfast of Stonegate eggs, it’s great to go for a ride in a Ford.
After Weekender eggs for breakfast, I’d be wreathed in smiles - with an AfFORDable Escort, I could drive for miles.
Boiled Stonegate eggs and a bit of scrambling in a Ford Escort lead to a fun-packed weekend.
Both are perfectly packaged, providing power, strength and vitality for prolonged action, meeting the highest expectations.
Both are quality products with stylish packaging to catch the customer’s eye.
Both are selected on perfection and merit for pure Joy and pleasure on a weekend of leisure.
Both give you a start you just can’t beat, with the EGGstra you deserve to make weekends complete.
Both provide great weekend deals, with tasty nutrition and afFORD’able wheels.
Crack a Stonegate, drive a cracking car.
Don’t need Jeremy Clarkson or Delia’s EGGSellent schemes, to enjoy these wonderful eggs and the hatchback of my dreams.
EGGceptional value, AfFORDable price, they make leisure a pleasure to be precise.
EGGciting things can happen with both, treat your family to a good start.
Eggs are as versatile as the drive of a Ford Finesse.
Eggs from Stonegate are my breakfast treat, but without an Escort I’m incomplete.
Eggs give energy to enjoy Escort motoring every day, especially at weekends.
Egham my favourite weekend destination, after Stonegate’s good egg breakfast, I’ll enjoy Ford Escort transportation.
Favourite breakfast, stylish motor, united delights make EGGsiting quota!
For a fun packed weekend I need speedy fuel injection, great value and good taste - now I can afford protection.
For cooking up breakfast or cooking up fun - I’m driven to say they are second to none.
For quality, taste and goodness, breakfast with Stonegate eggs - it’s a millennium experience all year round.
For soave and sophisticated transport, Stonegate provide the perfect Escort.
Ford and Stonegate hold the key, to taste and AfFORDability.
Ford is the luxury ‘laid’ back feeling of a superior car, Stonegate is the best ‘break’ by far.
Fry-days through to sunny-side Sundays, eggs and Ford make weekends fun days.
Great for scrambling with a coddled touch, relaxing they both have me in their clutch.
I have bought 600 eggs to make the most of the fantastic Ford Escort every weekend.
I’d smile mile after mile, after a ‘special’ breakfast to be Escorted in style.
It takes eggheads to make something so good - it’s a pleasure to have when time is for pleasure.
MOTORVated by Ford’s drive to reach EGGcellent perfection, I’m fuelled by Stonegate’s del’EGG’table selection.
My egg cup floweth over - it’s no yolk, this afFORDably EGGScellent duo understand weekend folk.
Nourishing starters - comFORDable drive, make ideal partners.
On weekends we like to travel far, so we need a Weekender breakfast and Ford’s reliable car.
One’s a cracking good way to drive away, the other’s a cracking good way to start the day!
Peck a Stonegate egg, pick an Escort car, these weekend treats are never beat, their standards are best by far.
Roaring weekend success, champion standards with Finesse, class A big breakfast, EGGcellent fuelling, so ‘cheap’ it’s a yolk.
Saturdays and Sundays, I live like a lord, I enjoy Stonegate eggs and easily ‘aFORD’.
Stonegate and Escort AfFORD me the ‘great EGGscape’!
Stonegate can EGG-scort me to a-FORD-able eggs for the perfect Sunday breakfast.
Stonegate eggs ‘shell’ out satisfaction, then add Ford for four speed action!
Stonegate eggs are a good feed and the fantastic Ford Escort is up to speed.
Stonegate Eggs are the best in meals, Ford Escort is the best on wheels.
Stonegate Eggs give you the inner drive, to enjoy the Escort’s perfect outdoor drive
Stonegate eggs satisfies your appetite at home, a Ford Escort satisfies your appetite on the road.
Stonegate excellence, Ford’s flair, together they’re the perfect pair.
Stonegate leads with an egg and ford leads with a Focus.
Stonegate’s freshness and Ford’s reliability separate the hen from a-lloys.
Stonegate offers a ‘cracking’ Weekender with EGGceptional flair, whilst Ford Escorts you with Finesse for a weekend affair.
Stonegate’s good eggs provide a cracking good time, with the best looking Escort in town.
Stonegate’s taste tempts every lip, Ford’s flair gives extra zip, for an exhilarating occasion, this pair makes the wining liaison!
Sunday breakfast my plate begs, indulgence with Stonegate eggs, later craving thrilling sport, demands a spin in my Ford Escort.
Sunny side up, we’re on our way, with our Escort to show us the way.
Tasty and delicious, no weekend is complete without that ‘EGGscort’ treat.
Thanks to Stonegate the weekend is EGGShilarating with aFORDability.
The best laid plans for a weekend drive are hatched over a nourishing breakfast.
The eggs are very tasty, with get up and go energy within, just like the Ford Escort.
The Ford Escort Finesse is one basket you CAN safely put all your eggs and little chicks in.
The Ford Escort is the finest basket to carry all of your eggs home in.
The smooth taste of Stonegate eggs unscramble any doubts about driving a Ford Escort.
Their eggs are as reliable as the dependable Escort There is always a scramble for the keys!
There’s no need to ‘shell’ out at great ‘EGG’spense, -aFORDable treat this ‘clutch’ makes sense.
There’s something about an Escort - its refinement and Finesse, something about the Stonegate taste, no others can contest.
These ‘cracking’ winners are without match, they send other ‘brands’ down the hatch.
These (h)encounters of the ‘pre-Ford’ kind ‘motorvate’ me to unwind.
They are each top of their range and represent EGGsellent value for money.
They are guaranteed to get you off to a great start Stonegate eggs for delicious meals, Ford Escort perfection on wheels.
They both get you started first time for an active weekend.
They both have the power to make our world EGGstatic.
They both provide a cracking start and the driving force that lifts the heart.
They give us the fuel to range our free time, therefore shelling our pressures into pleasures.
They’re versatile, fun and exciting, easy to handle and adapt to your ever-changing lifestyle.
This duo’s Finesse is so hard to beat, their ‘gold’ standards ‘out-shell’ making weekends complete.
Together they are the ultimate in EGG-xoti-car!
Top performers, good reputations, both meet my weekend expectations.
Two perfect eggs (00) and the Ford Escort’s power (mph) would give me the ‘oomph’ for a lively break.
Two Stonegate eggs a day, make you work, rest and drive a Ford Escort away.
Weekend Excitement, Entertainment, Kitchen Empty, No Dishes, Escape Routes, Enjoy Get-a-away in Gorgeous Supercar.
Weekender meals are made of Stonegate eggs after your expert drive with the Ford Escort.
Weekender’s EGGcel for the picnic bake, Ford Escorted’s the icing on the cake.
When I shell out for my table fare, Stonegate and Ford are a cracking good pair.
When Stonegate and Ford are carefully blended, weekends are refined, boredom ended.
Where there is excellent quality food, and an Escort with Ford’s reputation, they add up to equal good quality time.
With cracking good taste a bumper range is created -engine-eously afFORDable my performance is motor-vated.
With Stonegate nutrition, to fire my ignition, their ‘fry way code’ leads to ‘open road’.
With Stonegate on the menu I can AfFORD a ‘cracking’ weekend.
With the Finesse of an Escort and my favourite fried eggs to boot, a wonderful combination spending no loot.
With these two weekends are no longer a ‘bind’, they guarantee close ‘hen’counters of the EGGtatic kind!
You can ‘shell’ out less for a ‘cracking’ vacation, with a little ‘free range’ imagination.
You can beat a good egg, but you can’t beat the Ford Escort.
You can separate your whites from your yolks, but you can’t keep Ford Escort away from your folks.
You can transport them to any destination, with a little ‘free range’ imagination.
You won’t feel hungry, you won’t feel bored, eat scrambled eggs and drive a Ford.