I would like a Dreamcast from Sanford UK because..
1 X Smart car
Superb to handle, fluent transmission, Sanford and Smart defy competition.

20 X Dreamcast
As action-packed excitement grows, like Sanford pens the pleasure flows!
Console-ing the kids, seeing them smile, would make struggling with slogans INK-credibly worthwhile!
Free Internet access, games unsurpassed, I’m inkconsole-able without Sanford and Dreamcast!
Games just ‘write’, graphics clearer, plus Dreamcast brings the wide world nearer.
‘INK’credible, mag’NIB’icent - I’d love to control, this ‘top notch’ most powerful, video games console.
I’m ‘write’ on-line for a good time, when I see the Sanford sign!
It o’pens’ the mind through Internet and play, anything is possible with a Dreamcast today.
It’s ‘INK’redible mag’NIB’icent without any doubt, something to ‘write’ home about.
Little hands never leave the controls - except to write with their Berols!
Nagging from kids is sure to cease, so mum can write her letters in peace.
Powerful machine, so impressive and neat, an ‘ink’credible prize - ‘write’ up my street!
Sanford keeps my busy office supplied, whilst a Dreamcast ensures the kids are satisfied!
Sanford makes the office a pleasure while Dreamcast puts the fun in online leisure.
Sanford products are unsurpassed, they pen the words from which dreams are cast.
Simply ‘ink’credible, mag’nib’icent on-line, like Sanford it’s ‘write’ years ahead of its time.
The perfect ‘pen-pal’ for when I’m alone, ‘INK’redible games brought ‘writing’ to my home.
The ‘write’ way to play or e-mail fast, my ‘ink’ling is my DREAMS been CAST.
Virtual reality ‘highlights’ an ‘INK’redible world, where dreams of magnificent adventures are unfurled.
With Dreamcast control under their thumb, my children would be ‘stationary’, quiet and having fun.
With fifty pence a week pocket money it will take eight years to save up.