want to win a holiday to Japan with YO! TO GO SUSHI because..
1 X 10 day holiday to Japan
Unbeatable Sushi - authentic cuisine - visit the source? My ultimate dream.

50 X Personal Mini-disc Player
A bit of Yo! sushi, a sip of green tea, Sainsbury’s value, Japan for me.
A taste of the east, like spring on Honshu, is recipe for health and happiness.
After the rising sun I’d take in the sights, and picnic on their ‘Mini” delights.

An oriental dream-eating sushi in the land of the rising sun.
Authentic, delicious and versatile, I’d orientate myself in style.
Enjoy sushi in Kyoshu and Yo, OK in Tokyo.
Even though Yo! To Go tastes supreme, in Japan sushi san is king of cuisine.
Haiku to Tokyo, my love and I are conveyed by Yo! Blossom lights spring streets.
Having deliciously tasted Japan with ‘Yo!’, mind and soul want ‘to go sushi’.
Having said mushi-mushi to Yo! sushi, I wanna get more of fish that’s raw.
Here eating sushi under flaming maples under hanging cherry blossoms in Japan springtime - one hopes!
I could eat buckwheat noodles for breakfast, sushi for lunch and sashimi for supper.
I wish to seek out the answer to the ancient Japanese question “is sooty tough” (anag)
If I can’t buy Sushi in Sainsbury’s-Japan would be the next best place.
If I know sushi, like Yo! know sushi, then I’ll go with Yo! to Japan.
If the food in Japan is as good as Yo!-then I’d have to go.
In the land of surprising fun, Sainsbury’s sushi is number one.
In rising sun, darkest nights, I’d Nippon the bullet train with these miniature delights.
Its wonderful flavour makes me yen to go savour further delights, Japanese and nights.
Japanese torture, sushi not in store, back like a yo yo to Sainsbury’s for more.
London lunchtime sitting with my sushi, dreaming of how they take their tea in Tokyo.
Loved the sushi, but with each delectable bit, came yen to experience more Japanese delight.
My initial’s are YO, my husband’s are KO, and YOKO would love TO GO TOKYO!
My trip would be all wrapped up by sushi whose fare is great to sup.
Nippon the bullet train, visit “s’pacific” sights, watch the rising sun, zen eat sushi delights.
Sainsbury’s have me hooked on Yo! to Go, I’d love to say Yo! to Tokyo.
Sainsbury’s sushi snack sensation sends my tastebuds on vac’asian’.
Salmon niiri would keep me cheery, and ginger roll graces the top of my pole.
Scrumptious sushi and sumo kings, Shinto shrines and London lunchtime sitting with my sushi, dreaming of how they take their tea in Tokyo.
Shogun-er be great in Tokyo, oriental culture and cuisine sets me all aglow.
Spring in Tokyo for Yo! sushi dish of fish and cherry blossom.
Sushi Yo! to Go is the taste of Tokyo.
Sushi’s cool for the hot date, the unexpected mate, or if you’re home late.
Taste buds enlighted senses all aglow, wonder of Japan await me, know to go.
Temples, shrines, cherry blossom and me Yo! Go! together like Sainsbury’s and sushi.
The Shinkansen would impress me, Akihabara excite me, and Fuji san delight me.
The Sushi tasty, the price is right, going to Japan would be a delight.
The wealth of health, temptations of taste, rainbow of excitement, with no time to waste.
There’s all the raw material there, for a trip that’s full of flair.
This sushi lover bows to Mr Sainsbury-San. For transporting me with chopsticks to Japan.
To eat my sushi and drink sake in the shade of the cherry trees.
To experience Shinjuku’s bright lights, the calm of Miya jima’s torii gate, a taste of Japan!
Travel feeds the mind and Sainsbury’s gave us the taste.
Travelling is easy with sushi to go and Sainsbury’s selection is the taste of Tokyo!
We are what we eat: so crave culinary cross-cultural contrasts.
Wealth may not bring happiness-Yo! sushi can.
When east meets west, this feast is best.
With my love for Japan and Yo! To Go sushi, I need ‘Jewel’ nationality!
Yen to experience real taste of the east, tea ceremonies to art, true cultural feast.
Yo! has awakened the taste of the orient in me.
Yo! To Go sushi proves Sainsbury’s know how - to really earn a Japanese bow!
Yo! to Go to Japan for temples and food, Yo! To Go for Sainsbury’s sushi.
You obviously think of geishas, origami, sushi, utamaro, samurai, honshu - incredible.
You’re our tasty oriental gift of splendour, ultimately surpassing, happy illustrious dreams of a lifetime.